Isn’t this a beautiful mature specimen of Japanese Knotweed which we were asked to appraise for removal? Removal of Japanese Knotweed near coastal environments can be tricky.  It is easy to cause spread due to rhizome fragments near water. You should always try to find the best solution for the environment as well as your client and sometimes it is better to leave infestations like this in place and treat / eradicate with herbicide instead.

It may take longer but impact on the environment especially the beautiful West Coast of scotland will be minimised.


Japanese Knotweed originates from the mountainous regions of Japan.  The reason for the extensive root network that’s typical of this species, isn’t just to provide a secure foothold in steep sections – it’s a way of protecting the plant and enabling it to come back to life.

Volcanic activity could result in the resident knotweed being covered in a thick layer of lava for many years.  While the upper layers of vegetation and rhizomes may be destroyed by the intense heat of the lava, rhizomes/roots at depth may be unharmed.  These deeper rhizomes can remain dormant for many years waiting for the upper layer of hardened lava to start to deteriorate and crack. Fissures which form through these deep layers of rock will allow this persistent species the opportunity to re-emerge.  Once it has broken through, the knotweed will slowly push apart the eroding lava layer by forming its dense crown.  Over time the species can break through the layer of lava to re-establish on the slopes once more.

So, as you can see above, a thin layer of concrete is no match for this rock specialist.

If you’re concerned about Japanese Knotweed, or indeed any other Invasive Weed, why not take advantage of our range of FREE Identification options or Get in Touch for help from our team?